Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja

Ruang Waktu Bagong Kussudiardja

The archive exhibition, entitled RUANG WAKTU BAGONG KUSSUDIARDJA (Space Time Bagong Kussudiardja), reperesents the 3rd of a series of events initiated to celebrate the cultural achievements as an artist of the late Indonesian maestro Bagong Kussudiardja (1928-2004). Year 2018 marks the anniversary of Bagong Kussudiardja’s birth (90th), and two important organizations he established, Pusat Latihan Tari Bagong Kussudiardja (60th) and Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja (40th).

Space, time, and events explain a simple adage: “everyone has their age, every age has its people.” Bagong Kussudiardja (1928-2004) was one of the few individuals who was able to play his role, at best, in the midst of this fast moving age. Time space for Bagong Kussudiardja was a series of occurrences that strengthened his figure, confirmed his existence, and spread the virus of creativity to many people.

In the midst of poor knowledge and awareness of documentation practice, Bagong Kussudiardja kept a number of “documents” in various forms. He was attentive in saving various forms of documentation to be used as preliminary data for further study. The expanse of this archive (data) shows Bagong Kussudiardja’s position in the situation of: seen – see; read – read; written – write; and photographed/ recorded – photograph/record.


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