Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja

Arts Innovation & Professional Development

“Artists are the creative muscle of culture in society. Serving the artists, serves the public.”
PSBK makes important investments in future generations of pioneering artists through artist-centered programs. Outputs include residencies that strengthen professional development of artists and practitioners, creative collaborations, and commission of new work by emerging artists.  This extends Mr. Bagong’s commitment artistic innovation and experimentation, as well as advanced learning without having to adhere to commercial pressures that beleaguer Indonesian artists.

Hibah Seni PSBK

PSBK Arts Grant Platform

Grants for artists with a minimum of 5 years of creative experience

A valuable opportunity for artists to express without commercial pressure

Fresh artwork that enriches the repertoire of performing arts in Indonesia

Open call for proposal at the end of each year

Since 2017, PSBK aids 6-8 emerging Indonesian artists in the performing arts to create new work that is premiered in PSBK’s Jagongan Wagen performance platform. Support includes access to the creative studio, stage artistic resources, publications & documentation, and financial support to experiment with their art forms and ideas.

Seniman Pascaterampil

Artist Professional Development Residency
Jagongan Wagen | Pertemuan Kita

10-month arts residency scholarship at PSBK

For 10 young artists who have been active in the arts in the past 5 years

Open for all arts discipline

Holistic arts learning approach

Learning, collaboration and networking opportunities

Open call for selection at the end of each year

Since the year of 2014, PSBK provides advanced learning opportunities for young artists of different disciplines to enhance skill and knowledge in both artistic development and management capacities through collaborative platforms. This 10-month program provides professional development training through master-classes, artistic collaboration projects, and engagement with communities through PSBK’s Public Arts Engagement program. This alternative learning platform is based on Mr.Bagong enthusiasm for self-reliance that was interpreted by the following guiding principles as an artist: self-produce, self-sustain, inspire each other, and arts practice that are closely related to the practice of people’s lives.

Programming Film

Online Class
Kelas pelatihan Programming Film di PSBK lahir dari pengalaman mengembangkan program pemutaran film Gambar Bergerak pada 2019 lalu. Kelas ini hadir sebagai ruang pengembangan profesional penting bagi SDM sektor perfilman yang akan mendukung dinamika ruang-ruang pemutaran (distribusi) film di Indonesia. PSBK akan bekerjasama dengan organisasi-organisasi dengan reputasi yang konsisten berkontribusi bagi pengembangan ekosistem perfilman nasional: Forum Film Dokumenter, Kineforum, Cinema Poetica dan Film Musik Makan. PSBK merancang program pembelajaran dan implementasinya bersama mitra narasumber yang tepat. Ruang belajar ini menawarkan pertukaran pengetahuan dan pengalaman para narasumber tentang – pemrograman (menyusun film untuk pemutaran) dan distribusi film secara mendetail. Selain itu, terdapat ruang praktik bagi programmer potensial pada platform pemutaran film Gambar Bergerak. Diharapkan, adanya Kelas Programming Film ini dapat menjadi inkubator pengembangan profesional bagi programmer film masa depan yang akan membangkitkan dinamika perfilman nasional pada masa pemulihan ini.

Studi Tata Cahaya Pertunjukan

Stage Lighting Professional Development
PSBK | Tata Cahaya

Facilitation of 4-6 professional candidates in the field of Stage Lighting

Open to high school/vocational/equivalent graduates

Open call for selection at the end of each year

Training through classes, workshops and field practice

Developed in 2015 and officially launched in 2018, this professional development program is a vocational learning platform to support human resources needed in the performing arts that is not yet available in formal educational institutions in Indonesia. Selected cultural practitioners have opportunities to hone skills in stage lighting and design through hands-on training and experience provided through PSBK platforms. The participants of this program are expected to be able to collaborate with artists in creating quality artistic arrangements.
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