Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja

Retaining Connectivity

Yogyakarta, 23 December 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As this year draws to a close, we would like to reflect on how profound 2020 has been for all of us across the globe and sectors. I recall drafting a letter exactly nine months ago, responding to the global pandemic and its impending nature that has drastically modified how we dress, engage with others, and place ourselves. Yet behind the various circumstances that would be considered catastrophically distressing, we would like to acknowledge the numerous blessings that has transpired.

There are no words that can properly articulate the heart felt appreciation for the amazing collaborative spirit and solidarity of our staff and partners who worked vigorously to support our commitment to serve society through the arts, by sustaining the creative processes of artists and develop alternative access streams to ensure connectivity with the public. Our collective abilities to adapt and be resilient, has made a poignant contribution in our ability (and learning curve) to serve:

148 artists
139 creative collaborators
13,226 appreciators
36 engagement events
20 new artworks
27  multi-media productions

We are extremely grateful that our participatory roles and partnerships -both new and existing, private and government sectors, individuals and communities; mutually strengthens our joint capacities in serving humanity through the arts. We hope that building a culture for a sustainable future together during this precarious time, will provide us all the strength to persevere and confront the challenges ahead of us.

We look forward to continuing this endeavor with you in 2021. Wishing you all the best and good health during the holiday season.

Most sincerely,

Jeannie Park
Executive Director
Bagong Kussudiardja Foundation


Office closure for the holidays
Please note that our office and general operations at PSBK will be closed from 24 December to 3 January.
We will be back on Monday, 4 January 2021.


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